Career Profile

I’m an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Information, Renmin University of China.

I studied aerospace engineering for my bachelor (2008-2012) and master (2012-2014) degrees in Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Subsequently, I studied Steiner tree problems in graphs for my PhD degree (2014-2018) in University of Melbourne, Australia.

My CV: CV in English or CV in Chinese (中文简历).

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My official webpage (in Chinese).

Research Interests

Graph mining, related to knowledge graphs, social networks, computer networks, Internet of things, etc. (图计算相关的数据挖掘算法).

I particularly like researches that blur the boundary between applied data engineering and theoretical computer science (我喜欢数据挖掘工程与理论计算机科学的交叉领域的研究).